DTR observations


DTR observations

by Schlom » Sat, 13 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I don't know if anyone else noticed but i just finished a 50 lapper at
Knocksvil...oops hill and noticed a line developing during the race.  I started
out being able to drive almost anywhere but then found a cushion seemed to
develop on the!!!  Its not really visible unless you watch the
dirt kicked up by the guy in front of you.  When he gets high theres ALOT of
dirt coming up from his tires.  The way the car behaves is different too.  Its
alot faster running the cushion. For instance i started the race running 20.4
to 20.7 and ended up running laps in the 20.0 to 20.1 range (setting a PB at
20.0 flat).  On that note how does this time stack up to what the rest of you
are running (I have vehicle handling at 100%).  Also I'm running in the 15.8
range at 34 Speedway and 17.8 range at Shawaino Speedway.


Marko Peri

DTR observations

by Marko Peri » Sat, 13 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> alot faster running the cushion. For instance i started the race
> running 20.4 to 20.7 and ended up running laps in the 20.0 to 20.1
> range (setting a PB at 20.0 flat).  On that note how does this time
> stack up to what the rest of you are running (I have vehicle
> handling at 100%).  Also I'm running in the 15.8 range at 34
> Speedway and 17.8 range at Shawaino Speedway.

    Your Nocks Hill and 34 Speedway times are pretty good. On Shawano, I
suggest easing up on the throttle just before that last turn. By doing
this I managed to improve my time by 1/4 of a second (17.46).



DTR observations

by Pete » Sat, 13 Nov 1999 04:00:00

    Schlomo, good observations! A lot of people have
missed these nuances because they are running shorter
sprint races!
    By the way here are my bests so far.

Nocks Hill       19.72
34                     15.72
Shawano           17.17

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