for example) where adding more RAM makes no difference in performance?
In GPL, 64 megs is enough to run it well, but you can't get a full race
replay saved unless you have 128 megs.
Chris Noto
cnoto at conc dot tds dot net
Oliver Nikolic
DP-MAX Computers
BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)
> >What amount of RAM is enough to run a single sim application (GPL or
> >for example) where adding more RAM makes no difference in performance?
> It depends.
> In GPL, 64 megs is enough to run it well, but you can't get a full race
> replay saved unless you have 128 megs.
> Chris Noto
> cnoto at conc dot tds dot net
you can adjust the replay buffer, by adding the following lines to your
[ Replay ]
replayMemoryOverride = <enter size in KBytes here>
the replay size in laps also depends on several graphical features (skid
marks etc.).
IMHO a very useful advice is to adjust the swapfile by hand: enter at
least half the amount of your RAM for the minimum swap space: this way
every idle/unused process is swapped out when you start your game.