GPL downgrade

Johan Foedere

GPL downgrade

by Johan Foedere » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Hi all,

I just bought a Riva TNT2 to replace my old voodoo1 card in GPL, but
when I first launched GPL I was shocked. The image quality was bad, the
mirrors were flickering and the framerate dropped by 50%!!! I have been
playing around with the OpenGL settings in control panel a bit, but
can't get higher framerates than about 18fps. Also changing the
desktop's refresh rate had no influence.

If anyone knows of some secret settings to improve performance and image
quality, please let me know, because if this is really all the TNT2 can
do I might as well return it.

btw. I'm running on a PII350 with 128Megs RAM and the voodoo card is
stil present.

Thanks for any help,

Jason Mond

GPL downgrade

by Jason Mond » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Hi Johan,

For your performance problem, set mirrors to draw every 8 frames.  See the
readme or core.ini file for details.


> Hi all,

> I just bought a Riva TNT2 to replace my old voodoo1 card in GPL, but
> when I first launched GPL I was shocked. The image quality was bad, the
> mirrors were flickering and the framerate dropped by 50%!!!
> Thanks for any help,
> Johan.

Jason Monds - For my combined gas/brake setups - Nascar3 Pro Racing Club
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)
Tore Hanso

GPL downgrade

by Tore Hanso » Sat, 06 Nov 1999 04:00:00

You might as well return it. I tried Opengl and it is terrible. Or get a V2
12MB PCI and have the best of both worlds. I'm not sure if you can run the
V1 with the TNT2? If you can, go back to the V1 3dfx in GPL.


Luke Ephrau

GPL downgrade

by Luke Ephrau » Sun, 07 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Why dont you just keep your V1 in there and just use it for GPL. It
should work fine with the TNT2.

>You might as well return it. I tried Opengl and it is terrible. Or get a V2
>12MB PCI and have the best of both worlds. I'm not sure if you can run the
>V1 with the TNT2? If you can, go back to the V1 3dfx in GPL.


>> Hi all,

>> I just bought a Riva TNT2 to replace my old voodoo1 card in GPL, but
>> when I first launched GPL I was shocked. The image quality was bad, the
>> mirrors were flickering and the framerate dropped by 50%!!! I have been
>> playing around with the OpenGL settings in control panel a bit, but
>> can't get higher framerates than about 18fps. Also changing the
>> desktop's refresh rate had no influence.

>> If anyone knows of some secret settings to improve performance and image
>> quality, please let me know, because if this is really all the TNT2 can
>> do I might as well return it.

>> btw. I'm running on a PII350 with 128Megs RAM and the voodoo card is
>> stil present.

>> Thanks for any help,
>> Johan.

Alastair Ingra

GPL downgrade

by Alastair Ingra » Sun, 07 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Go to  get the open GL Beta 2 patch. You must restart
the game after choosing the open GL setting. Hope that is your problem.

Jerry Moreloc

GPL downgrade

by Jerry Moreloc » Sun, 07 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Simply plug your Voodoo card into your TNT2 and go racing.  That is,
assuming you KEPT your Voodoo card.  If you didn't, then pick up a Voodoo2
card and plug IT into your TNT2.  They're cheap now and the best way to run
GPL is with Glide.  The opengl beta patch is stop-gap, at best.

Jerry Morelock

Uwe Schuerka

GPL downgrade

by Uwe Schuerka » Sun, 07 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>You might as well return it. I tried Opengl and it is terrible. Or get a V2
>12MB PCI and have the best of both worlds. I'm not sure if you can run the
>V1 with the TNT2? If you can, go back to the V1 3dfx in GPL.

yep, should work fine in conjunction. I have a V330 and a voodooII
in my *** box, works great.


Uwe Schuerkamp
Herford, Germany (52.0N/8h30mE)
Ever wondered what's wrong with the world?
PGP Fingerprint:  2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F  67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61

Johan Foedere

GPL downgrade

by Johan Foedere » Mon, 08 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I do still have my V1, but if I'm going to return the TNT2 I might as
well buy a new card. They're probably not going to give me my money back
and beside that I really feel I could use a upgrade for GPL. I've been
running the V1 too long.

Does any one know if a V2 or V3 is a good improvement over a V1? And
what about two V2's? Is that any good?

// Johan

> Why dont you just keep your V1 in there and just use it for GPL. It
> should work fine with the TNT2.

> >You might as well return it. I tried Opengl and it is terrible. Or get a V2
> >12MB PCI and have the best of both worlds. I'm not sure if you can run the
> >V1 with the TNT2? If you can, go back to the V1 3dfx in GPL.

> >Tore

Don Burnett

GPL downgrade

by Don Burnett » Mon, 08 Nov 1999 04:00:00

The jump from a V1 to a V3 was huge for me.

Don Burnette
Dburn in N3 and Legends

Remco Moe

GPL downgrade

by Remco Moe » Mon, 08 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>I just bought a Riva TNT2 to replace my old voodoo1 card in GPL, but
>when I first launched GPL I was shocked. The image quality was bad, the
>mirrors were flickering and the framerate dropped by 50%!!! I have been
>playing around with the OpenGL settings in control panel a bit, but
>can't get higher framerates than about 18fps. Also changing the
>desktop's refresh rate had no influence.

The TNT2 card isn't the best solution for GPL (the Voodoo 3 is). That
said, did you install the OpenGL Beta 2 patch? It sounds like you're
using the software renderer, since in general the OpenGL display
quality is better then with the V3 or Rendition. The only problem is
with the mirrors, but you can finetune them with CORE.INI parameters.

Details are in the readme of the OpenGL patch.

Be adviced, the results with TNT2 should be far better then with the


Johan Foedere

GPL downgrade

by Johan Foedere » Mon, 08 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> The TNT2 card isn't the best solution for GPL (the Voodoo 3 is).

That's why I've decided to try and change it for a V3 tomorrow.

I did install the Beta 2 patch and the image quality gets better at
resolutions of at least 1024x768. If you compare the 640x480 screens
the V1 is definatly better, even in the menus you see the difference.

I tried the mirror setting in core.ini, but the mirrors were messed up
with all settings.


GPL downgrade

by Rikanthr » Wed, 10 Nov 1999 04:00:00


Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"


GPL downgrade

by J » Thu, 11 Nov 1999 04:00:00


Now it suits perfectly.


>The jump from a V1 to a V3 was huge for me.


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