havven't mentioned his name or the 2K thing in the thread title ...
don't want to summon him. Just thought I would post a few of the more
ludicrous quotes I stumbled upon when cleaning out old posts from my
newsgroup archives:
"The facts remain that 4/1/99 _is_ the rollover date - no changing
that. And, those countries/cities are hopelessly behind. Japan: not
even started. Canada/NYC: still in inventory phase (10%). "
" That release date [4/2/99] is exactly one day after the fiscal year
2000 rollover dates for New York City, Japan, and Canada. That's one
day after these establishments fall to total anarchy.
I doubt you will be thinking about racing sims while CNN feeds live
reports of worldwide collapse in progress from the above potent domino
effect trigger mechanisms."
"Oh, did I mention the "look ahead" Y2K failures of un-remediated
systems that we will see beginning if just five days? "
"Of course, I may be wrong, N3 _could_ be postponed indefinitely due
to a programmer's draft possibly announced next month [Jan/99]
And of course, one of my favourites, directed at someone who scoffed
at the ludicrous notion of a programmer's draft:
"Anyone got a good crow stew recipee?"