Millenium or virus? (off topic)

Kees Folme

Millenium or virus? (off topic)

by Kees Folme » Fri, 07 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Hello all,

The old comp. of my dad (pen.90) is set now too 6 Jan. 1994 automaticly!!!
yesterday it say 5 Jan. 2000.
So I changed it back too 2000 and the next time I start up it say 6 Jan.
Oke than change the CMOS and whats happen???
It still say 2094!
I can't get it too 2000.

So my dad's comp. is back to 1994.....


Maby tomorrow he accepts 2000....

Groetjes Kees

Robert Jorda

Millenium or virus? (off topic)

by Robert Jorda » Fri, 07 Jan 2000 04:00:00

You need to goto the motherboard mfg site and download and update to the BIOS
and reburn the image in the BIOS chip. Its the only way you can fix this
problem. The site should have the BIOS Update .exe file and the .bin file to
update it.

> Hello all,

> The old comp. of my dad (pen.90) is set now too 6 Jan. 1994 automaticly!!!
> yesterday it say 5 Jan. 2000.
> So I changed it back too 2000 and the next time I start up it say 6 Jan.
> 2094!
> Oke than change the CMOS and whats happen???
> It still say 2094!
> I can't get it too 2000.

> So my dad's comp. is back to 1994.....

> Strange.

> Maby tomorrow he accepts 2000....

> --
> Groetjes Kees

Lance Robert

Millenium or virus? (off topic)

by Lance Robert » Tue, 11 Jan 2000 04:00:00

definitely millenium - this sounds like it would be fixed ok by the
free one on my site though.

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