Hey Herwig,
I agree it adds a little something to it, but most important there are
finally windows. This means no more floating roofs.
I hope with these lighting effects it'll be like Viper Racing where even
though I paint a car a flat color it ends up having a metallic look to
it...I would be disappointed to say the least if this far into sims the #1
sim makr still hasn't picked this up.
Yeah the grass definatel is greener on the Papy side of the fence I guess
(although Nurburgring was pretty dead for grass..and Kyalami).
That's what I hate about all good simulators right now, they all are dead.
The shadows are not really shadows in the Papy sims. SBK looks like it has
some life with these shadows that work...just adds some life to it...but
it's still quite dead.
Here's some N3 pics if u haven't seen all of them (about 55):
SBK if you haven't:
> Freaks,
> Just if you haven't noticed: The windows of the cars are reflecting the
> sun depending on the view angle. Don't know how "fake" this effect is
> (always seems to be the case when the car is very near) but it sure adds
> to the realism.
> I agree that the graphics are otherwise very sterile. And as in all Papy
> sims: The grass is much too green.
> Herwig
> --
> ECCE TERRAM GmbH Dr. Herwig Henseler
> Heinrichstrasse 18d Tel. 0441 / 500 12-0
> 26131 Oldenburg Fax. 0441 / 500 12-29
Jon Van Ginneken
"I try to do my best every day. If, at the end of the day
I know I did the best job I could do, I am satisfied."
--Alex Zanardi