>Open up wheel and attempt to clean pots several times. Restart GPL,
>recalibrate. Problem remains. (thanks anyway Paul)
>Go to Thrustmaster website to register for new pots. Enter registration
>information. Look on in frustration as repeated attempts to register
>fail, since my information "is already in the database" despite not
>registering before.
are great with customer service and replacements. I emailed the
address at thrustmaster.co.uk and within days I had some more pedal
springs. Funny thing was, Iwas after the ones that hold the
foot-pushing bit up, not the actual pedal spring (T2). Then that broke
the next day anyway! and I was able to get the other spring from a
The thing is I live close to Camberley (T. HQ), and as my T2 feels as
clapped out as ever, I am thinking of going over there and seeing how
many freebies I can persuade out of them. <g> If you want some, gimme
a note and I'll see what I can pick up... Anyone else? (UK)
(I got the spring from my friend as his T2 went wonky, he took the
wheel part to the HQ and came away with a whole new T2!! Hence he has
a spare pair of pedals in the cupboard albeit without a spring. :))