Do they make a brake piston force guage which works on 4 piston calipers?
I just realized that replacing the rotor and pads will not solve my brake
vibration problem if the pistons are sticking!
To answer your question, I tried pushing the eight front pistons in with a
disc brake spreader. The knob twisting seemed the same for both sides of
each caliper - but I don't have a force guage in my hand to measure it!
The runout, even after indexing and cleaning of the hub mating surfaces, is
within spec (0.0028 inches), yet there is still horrible brake judder upon
high-speed (over 50 mph) braking.
I'm beginning to realize replacing the rotors and pads won't solve the
long-term problem if the true cause is the pistons sticking causing pad
material to be deposited unevelnly on the rotors.
Here's what StopTech has to say about the true cause of brake shudder:
"Every case of "warped brake disc" that I have investigated ... has turned
out to be friction pad material transferred unevenly to the surface of the
disc [resulting] in thickness variation (TV) ... due to hot spotting that
occurred at elevated temperatures."
So, now it's time to diagnose the brake pistion force "Despite the popular
myth, brake judder is not caused by warped rotors. Judder is the result of
a thickness variation in pad buildup on the rotors' surfaces" due to
pistons sticking
So, I think we finally found the answer as to the main cause of brake
shimmy! Replacing the rotors and pads will not solve the problem long term.
Is there a brake piston force guage that I can buy on the Internet?