I have two questions and hopefully some of you more knowledged types
will chime on in...
Preface: I have a 486/66/12 w/vlb 2mb video...3d bench about 50. I'm
gettin' that performance itch...
1.) Will win'95 native apps yeild an increase in frame rate?
Specifically, will the win'95 version of ICR2 run better than the dos
2.) What about upgrades like the 3d blaster from creative labs or the
intel overdrive for 486dx's (to pentium '83 <-- That's a date joke):
has anyone had any experience with these items? What sort of
performance improvement would they yield on my system, espescially the
former, as I think my video is pretty quick now, the bottleneck is
certainly processor speed, but i'm unfamiliar with this 3d
acceleration stuff...
Any input? Thanks now for help later...