>2000: 3D visual-display screens and 3D earphones are
>inside the helmet ...
NO WAY will this happen by 2000. Probably not by 2010. Maybe much
later than that, maybe never. It will be a LONG time before network
bandwidth will be high enough for performance improvements over a
local computer, even IF you can make a supercomuter fast enough to
serve everybody in real time, which you can't.
Not by 2005, not even close. Maybe in 10 or 20 years.
Impractical. You don't have an "infinite space" in which to walk,
without an unlikely and expensive omni-directional treadmill.
LOL! By 2030 we are going to be able to input sensory data directly to
the brain? That's not even science fiction; pure fantasy.
This is the easiest thing you've mentioned yet; it will come before
any of the fancy hardware you've described above.
Some interesting ideas, but your timeframes are arbitrary and generaly
wildly optimistic. The stuff in sections two and three I'll leave to
someone who likes discussing fantasy.