Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend


Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by johnjnelso » Thu, 01 Jun 2000 04:00:00


Here in the U.S. she is what we call "A Keeper" (as in don't let this one get


> Hi,

> <snip?> Now I turned 30 this week and my Girl-friend had an very
> nice idea dor my present:

> There is an possibility to be driven in an 400hp BMW M5 ( race-prepared, but
> with 4 Seats ) by an professionell Race-Car Driver around the Nordschleife
> at race speed ( called the Ring-Taxi ). I saw that in TV recently and was
> very impressed. And now guess, what my birthday-present is ?

> Woooooohaaaaaaaaa :-)))

> I will be driven around the Nordschleife at June, 18. Did'nt know, that an
> date in 3 Weeks can be that far away...

> Did I tell you that I love my Girl ? :-)))

> Greetings,

> Michael Staab

Michael Staa

Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by Michael Staa » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00


being an GPL-enthusiast since it came out in October 98 here in germany my
interest in the real-life racing ( and especially the Nordschleife ) grow
larger and larger. Now I turned 30 this week and my Girl-friend had an very
nice idea dor my present:

There is an possibility to be driven in an 400hp BMW M5 ( race-prepared, but
with 4 Seats ) by an professionell Race-Car Driver around the Nordschleife
at race speed ( called the Ring-Taxi ). I saw that in TV recently and was
very impressed. And now guess, what my birthday-present is ?

Woooooohaaaaaaaaa :-)))

I will be driven around the Nordschleife at June, 18. Did'nt know, that an
date in 3 Weeks can be that far away...

Did I tell you that I love my Girl ? :-)))


Michael Staab
Meine Grand Prix Legends Homepage:
Mitglied in der CAR, Verein fr PC-Rennsimulationen
Staabi's Mountain Bike Classics
" To race is to live, everything else is just waiting"

E. Crawfor

Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by E. Crawfor » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00

lucky ***....


Ronald Stoeh

Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by Ronald Stoeh » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00


> There is an possibility to be driven in an 400hp BMW M5 ( race-prepared, but
> with 4 Seats ) by an professionell Race-Car Driver around the Nordschleife
> at race speed ( called the Ring-Taxi ). I saw that in TV recently and was
> very impressed. And now guess, what my birthday-present is ?

> Woooooohaaaaaaaaa :-)))

> I will be driven around the Nordschleife at June, 18. Did'nt know, that an
> date in 3 Weeks can be that far away...

> Did I tell you that I love my Girl ? :-)))

Does your Girl know that this professional race driver is a really good
female? OTOH, being a racing nut you'll probably just check out the
instead of the driver... ;^)


Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change
to take effect. Reboot now?
          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!


Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by robswindell » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00

I'll drive you round in my Volvo, for free, if you want :)

Rob, who will one day race there, oh yes - it shall be mine

> Hi,

> being an GPL-enthusiast since it came out in October 98 here in germany my
> interest in the real-life racing ( and especially the Nordschleife ) grow
> larger and larger. Now I turned 30 this week and my Girl-friend had an very
> nice idea dor my present:

> There is an possibility to be driven in an 400hp BMW M5 ( race-prepared, but
> with 4 Seats ) by an professionell Race-Car Driver around the Nordschleife
> at race speed ( called the Ring-Taxi ). I saw that in TV recently and was
> very impressed. And now guess, what my birthday-present is ?

> Woooooohaaaaaaaaa :-)))

> I will be driven around the Nordschleife at June, 18. Did'nt know, that an
> date in 3 Weeks can be that far away...

> Did I tell you that I love my Girl ? :-)))

> Greetings,

> Michael Staab
> --
> Meine Grand Prix Legends Homepage:
> Mitglied in der CAR, Verein fr PC-Rennsimulationen
> Staabi's Mountain Bike Classics
> " To race is to live, everything else is just waiting"

Kevin Gavit

Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by Kevin Gavit » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00

Hot Puppies! By the way, mine is sending me to the Skip Barber school. :)


Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by Eldre » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00

>> I will be driven around the Nordschleife at June, 18. Did'nt know, that an
>> date in 3 Weeks can be that far away...

>> Did I tell you that I love my Girl ? :-)))

>> Greetings,

>> Michael Staab
>> --

>Hot Puppies! By the way, mine is sending me to the Skip Barber school. :)

Aw, man - I'm jealous!  Which track?  
I gotta get a girlfriend...<g>

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
Own Grand Prix Legends?

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by Eldre » Fri, 02 Jun 2000 04:00:00

>> I gotta get a girlfriend...<g>

>But if you get a girlfriend how will you find the time to get your Spa lap
>time down? :-)



One problem at a TIME, Phil...<g>

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
Homepage -
Own Grand Prix Legends?

Never argue with an idiot.  He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Phil Le

Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by Phil Le » Sat, 03 Jun 2000 04:00:00

But if you get a girlfriend how will you find the time to get your Spa lap
time down? :-)



Don Scurlo

Slightly OT: My birthday-present from my Girl-friend

by Don Scurlo » Sat, 03 Jun 2000 04:00:00>:

>> I gotta get a girlfriend...<g>
>But if you get a girlfriend how will you find the time to get your Spa
>lap time down? :-)

Well she'll probably be a lot faster and she can give him some one on
one instruction.

Don Scurlock
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