A good friend and I have been playing F!GP sice it's release on the
Amiga, more years ago than I care to remember, progressing through to
the PC version and the wonderful F1GP II.
Following this group, one thing that has become apparent is that there
is often posts asking which control device is the best etc,
To this end, we are putting together a website which will house as
much info, contact names and product test and reviews as possible on
as many steering/control devices as we can.
We have, over the last couple of weeks, begun to approach
manufacturers re the possibility of having units for evaluation etc,
and the response so far has been quite favourable and we are hoping to
have the initial reviews online next month.
If anyone has any info, contact names, reccomendations or ideas of
what they would like to see featured on such a site, please, please
All suggestions will be very gratefully received.
Mike Plowman
"There was life before Coronation St,
but it didn't amount to much"
Russel Harty