not providing ESPN2 now it the time to let them know how you feel. You
can do this by calling your cable company and talking to a customer
service representative. Ask them to request that they send a request for
you to their marketing department to add ESPN2. I just did it with my
cable company. I also plan to send a note to their marketing department
requesting ESPN 2 personally.
I live in the San Fransicso Bay Area, Daly City for those of you who know
where that is and my cable comany is TCI. If you are in the SF TCI Area
and do not get ESPN2 please call them at 1-800-TCI-TV4U (824-8848). The
address for their marketing department is:
TCI Marketing Department
PO Box 114
San Jose, CA. 95103
If we let them hear our voices maybe they will listen. If you call or
write them drop me a note I'd like to keep track of how many calls and
letters they get.
For those of you who do not live in the TCI area I would like to start
posting the phone numbers and addresses of other companies so others can
call and write their cable comany too.
It you send me a note please put RFD2 in the subject so I do not miss any
of your messages. If you have any suggestions as to how we can get their
attention drop me a note.
Please feel free pass this message on to your friends and other On-line