[edited for brevity]
Thanks for the details. Any idea when it will be up?
And yes, people do get rather ***-minded, all sorts of
paranoid, delusive ideas about why it isn't out... but you can't blame
them. Look at the GP2 *debacle*. Maybe Microprose should just have
said it would be out in 1999. I mean, imagine how pleased everybody
would be if it suddenly appeared years early! Instead, we've had
months of ill will and completely anguished fans, tortured worse with
each broken deadline. This patch thing is a little different- I think
people are rightfully confused that Papyrus didn't put a simple fix
out earlier- but now it seems maybe there have been things going on we
didn't know about, regarding the buy by Sierra. FOR ME, the fact it
will not merely be a fix-patch, but a whole upgrade to a different
operating system (win95) at least takes some of the irritation out of
the situation- I'm very eager to have that.
But poor Rick- eager to let us know what we wanted to hear, the patch
was comin' round the mountain, accidentally lit a fuse. I am sure
people will calm down about that soon as its out, assuming it is out
within a week. But some people are going to be mad for a long time
about the yellow-flag bug sitting for 7 months idle... are they right
or not? well, there will be a lot of opinions on that.
If it weren't a great sim, I don't think anybody would care so damn
much. There really isn't any other place to go, if you want the sort
of realism Papyrus puts in to it's sims. You got us!