F1GP edit & ICR Edit.

Andrew Field

F1GP edit & ICR Edit.

by Andrew Field » Tue, 16 May 1995 04:00:00

Apologies if I shouldn't ask this but...

What is the best location for getting any f1gp and ICR editors etc...

Also is there any preference on what is the best to get ?


        .Sig intentionally forgotten

        Andrew Fielder


David Paul Gym

F1GP edit & ICR Edit.

by David Paul Gym » Fri, 19 May 1995 04:00:00

>Apologies if I shouldn't ask this but...

How can we refuse such politeness? :-) bla bla bla

Dunno 'bout ICR, but for F1GP I prefer GPed v4 for windoze.
F1Ed for DOS is okay but just doesn't have the same panache...

-- Gizmo
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