: Large binary posts do not belong in unmoderated discussion groups.
: Please read this entire message, the Bincancel FAQ, and the complete
: report (see below) before following up to or responding to this article.
Damn, I was hoping that we would be seeing fewer of these. I guess some
people just don't get it. Maybe they just post in newsgroups, without
ever reading any posts first or checking the FAQ!
Well, let's hope in the future we will see less and less of these posts
in our little community. But then again we have a few people who don't
give a (fill in the word(s) of your choice) about anyone else but
themselves. To quote Michael Moorcock/Hawkwind: "Think only of
yourself... ONLY OF YOURSELF!"
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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