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Yeah, the graphics... it's still a turd, since let's remember that NR:SE is
only a repackaged version of NASCAR Revolution with a patch. If the title
exists on the market it's only to make competition before Christmas to
SIERRA's product. If you already have NR, no need to buy SE just download
the patch.
It's not even advertised on their site, and if you want to read about it go
laugh in the message boards.
Here are the only things updated compared to the 1year old title :
- Added Interent Play (turned ON by downloading v1.04
patch available in late October)
- CD Checking (need the CD in to play)
- The default camera view is now the In Car view
- Larger pit stop time variance for Pit Mistakes ON as well
as OFF
- Adding more detailed text messages i.e. more input to player
about track status, penalty descriptions, and flag conditions
(example: "Pace Car Out", "Black Flag for Speeding on Pit Row")
- Removed flag man animation from In Car view and replaced
with detailed Text Messages
- Added mouse steering control (option available in Controller
- Added more dynamic bulb flashing for night tracks (ie. less
frequency and tied to on track action)
- Changed black flag penalty functionality (i.e. If you get a black
flag for speeding on pit row or entering the pits when they are
closed you will be given a black flag penalty after servicing).
- Added a HARD_HIT case to the yellow flag triggering. It should
create more yellow flag situations during a race.
- Refined the AI driving in the game (more dynamic, more passing,
and more taking looks)
-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
> >- Added more dynamic bulb flashing for night tracks (ie. less
> > frequency and tied to on track action)
> What a great feature..
> LOL!!!
> --
> * rrevved at mindspring dot com
> * unit.26 s.p.u.t.u.m.
> * http://www.cabal.net
> * http://www.sputum.com
On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 02:42:45 GMT, "Dennis Sublett"
>> >- Added more dynamic bulb flashing for night tracks (ie. less
>> > frequency and tied to on track action)
>> What a great feature..
>> LOL!!!
>> --
>> * rrevved at mindspring dot com
>> * unit.26 s.p.u.t.u.m.
>> * http://www.cabal.net
>> * http://www.sputum.com