Ripped Off ???????

Marc J. Nelso

Ripped Off ???????

by Marc J. Nelso » Wed, 23 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi Gary,

Not to worry, Jan will get to sending the converter soon...With all
his work on The Pits he's a pretty busy guy, but always sends out
what's promised.  The e-mail is probably something left over from the
move to the new servers, but in the meantime, you can contact him at



> has anyone else had any luck receiving the full ICR2 to N2 track converter
> that is at the pits? I mailed a money order two weeks ago and have received
> no response. when I try to e-mail the address furnished my mail comes back
> as failed address. even when I Go to his home page and hit the send me
> e-mail button. I don't want to flame anyone yet. just curious if this is
> common for everyone else? thanks Gary

> --
> remove the word trash from address to reply

Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -
Extinct Track Archive -

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