You obviously suffer from Radio Frequency interference, please check if
the speakers you bought were approved by FCC, if they are, in theory
they should be able to block unwanted RF. I am a amateur radio (not much
active anymore). But I know what it is. You probably pick up SPURS
emission or
harmonics emission of a foreign station. If this problem happens during
daytime, it's definitly a foreign station emiting on HF (High Frequency)
in the 49 meter band and up. With current sunspot activity, I presume
it should be more likely to be in the 25,21,19 or 16 Meter band. If your
problem appears only at night, most likely it comes from Central or
South American station emitting on 49m, 60 meter band.
So how to get rid of this ? Well you can go to a local amateur radio
and tell them what is your problem. They could sell you little metalic
"donuts" (called toroid) and you wrap the speaker wire around. But
you'll have to be precise about when you hear those Radio Frequency
Interference,and explain to the local ham shop. Another trick, is reach
the local amateur radio club, and explain them the problem. It's very
likely someone in the club wil help you for free, most of them just
chassing down the "ghost" and find a solution for it.
You can always try to replace those speakers and see what's going on.
Good luck, and if the signal is loud enough, try to get the callsign
(radio station identification) and then you could easily know where's
the source. I could also be in the "left field" and basically you could
pick up a amateur radio talking in a foreign language in your community,
if it was the case. He would need to clean his emission. Anyway you have
to get the source, then make the adjustments. Ham radio local club can
you and for free, i'm sure
Good luck
> Guys,
> I just bought a set of PC Works 4 Point Surround Sound Speakers to
> go with my new SB Live card. When I sat down to my computer I heard a
> faint noise in the background. I thought it was the TV or radio in
> another room but all the TV's and radios where off in the house. I
> listened closer trying to figure out what it was and found out the noise
> was coming from my new speakers. Some guy speaking a foreign language
> had some how made his way into them. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!?!? I
> live in the mountains of ***ia and have never heard of a radio
> station near by that speaks some foreign language. Could someone please
> explain this to me??
> Thanks,
> Aaron Markham *Kart44*
> Element Motorsports
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> Name: rgm3.vcf
> rgm3.vcf Type: VCard (text/x-vcard)
> Encoding: 7bit
> Description: Card for A. Markham *Kart44*
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