>For the second day running I've received SPAM from
>http://www.racesimcentral.net/. This is is starting to***me off. Has
>anyone else got this or am I the only lucky person here?
>What's the best way to get them to stop?
Will make it easy for you to identify the appropriate addresses, formulate
on your behalf.
The spammer will almost certainly get his account pulled (not that this will
bother him because he'll just go get another "disposable" account to send
his stuff from...), sites with lax security on their mail relays will be
politely asked to sort themselfs out (and will run the risk of being
"blacklisted" if they fail to comply), and ISPs that get a lot of abuse
reports will, eventually tighten up their registration procedures to make
life more difficult for would-be-spammers.