are middle of the road, low 1,28's at Monza, low 1,05's at the Glen.
Recently I put the GPL patch on and haven't suffered from any of the
problems others have experienced, although I don't race on line as I'm
too far away from any servers. However, for a couple of weeks I have
been experiencing different braking responses from my brake pedal. At
first I thought it was a pot needing replacement, but now I'm not so
Some nights the car seems to be a different beast altogether using the
same set up. Earlier I was driving one of my looser setups and the car
was all over the place, the steering was over sensitive, the handling
was dreadful and the brakes kept locking up. Then after a few laps
everything seemed to smooth out and the car started to behave more like
it should, (have been using the same setup for a while). The biggest
difference was in the braking, I could really floor the pedal and not
lock the brakes, I don't mean stamp on it as this would lock as normal,
but using the hard, letup, apply progressive hard braking method. The
brakes were so grippy. At the same time the car started to handle
beutifully. I figured that I had just reached the optimum temps. So I
tried another race and the car felt great again, but right from the
start of the race. So I went to another track and the same thing. This
got me curious, so I closed the program, restarted and the car went
back to it's previous erratic behaviour.
I play GPL for a couple of hours most days and am fairly in tune with
the different setups I have, and sometimes I know I'm driving rubbish
and the lap times show it, but I am also fairly sure this patch has
done some weird things and changes the car handlings at different times.
Then again maybe I have just been sat in front of this screen for too
long !
Would be curious to know if anyone else has experienced the same.
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