Below is the message that I tried to post to Rick Parr's Test Drive 4
messageboard. This show my contempt for Accolade and I urge everyone
not purchase any Accolade products.
I haven't posted any messages here since 2-28-98. In that time NO ONE
from Accolade has responded to my message (not they would) nor has
anyone from Accolade resond to any messages here.
It would appear that the last time that anyone from Accolade responded
to a message was on 2-6-98. That's over one month ago.
This leads me to draw the following conclusions:
1. Accolade has gotten their money and could care less about the
PR nigtmare that has been created.
2. Accolade is working hard at getting their act together so they
don't look like idiots. (I hope that it is not this one)
3. Accolade is working hard at getting the itemes that were
promised ready and have neglected to tell anyone the status.
4. Accolade has realized what a turd the last two version of the
TEST DRIVE saga were. (Test Drive Off Road and Test Drive 4) And are
concentrating on redeeming themselves with TD5
Accolade needs to respond to the messages and tell everyone what the
deal is. I guess that they haven't heard about what is happening with
Electronic Arts and the Ultima Online. Essentially, they are getting
sued for breach of promise and a few other things. This could very
easily happen to Accolade if they are not careful.
Accolade is going to have hire the best Public Relations people in the
business in order to get out of this. In my opinion, they have just
killed themselves. They promised downloadable cars shortly after the
release of the game. The only cars that are available for everyone is
the ones the GTO that was included with the Electronics Boutique
version. That just doesn't cut it. They then modified when the
downloadable cars were going to be available to be when the patch was
released. They missed the dates multiple times on when that was going
to be released. Well the patch has been out for how long, and there are
still not any downloadble cars.
What's up Accolade. You are losing lots of customers. I know that I
will have to think long and hard before I biy another game from Accolade
or any of its subsideraries (sp?). When they release a product under
the pretense that they will have downloadable cars and none have shown
up. I guess, I would not mind so much if they would give us an idea of
when the cars are going to be made availabe, if at all.
I am hung up on the downloadable cars, since that was the whole reason I
bought this game. So far it looks like I should have waited until this
game is in the bargain bin for $9.00 before I would consider buying it,
and I would have to think long and hard. I think that Accolade has let
everyone know what is going on.
I have had my time to post now, and it is proably a waste of space since
no one from Accolade is reading this board. I will leave you guys now
for another two weeks or so before I post again in anticipation that
Accolade will respond (yea right, and the pope is really Hitler) What
are the chances.