DTR one on one online fun. (Little games to entertain)


DTR one on one online fun. (Little games to entertain)

by DjFI » Thu, 13 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Me and my friend (Shaun Robinson, frequent poster) both love DTR.  We
usualy race one on one, and have lots of fun with this wicked game with
massive online play.  But we got bored going around and around only 1 on
1.  So we fixed our boredom by playing a few games.

Cat & Mouse
Suggested Track : Oldero (wicked infield to run around in)
Damage : Full
Laps : Doesn't matter, about 10 or so.  Just to make sure the match
doesn't end prematurly.

Rider on the inside is the mouse(hunted), rider on the outside is the
cat(hunter).  Once the flag drops let the stratigy begin.  Cat has 1
minute (it's what we use for oldero) to disable the mouse.  Only rule we
made is that you can only go 1 full lap than you must head for the
infield for do a 180, if we didn't play like this the mouse might try
and run away like a little girl.  Another choice we made is if the same
car is cat\mouse twice in a row next time, no matter what we changed
possisions for the next race.

Suicide Racing
Suggested Track : Any will do
Damage : Full
Laps : 1

This was the first game we started playing.  This is full of stratagy
and races for us have lasted over 3 minutes!  Rules are simple.  To win
it's not just to finish the race.  You must finish the race as the only
car.  If you cross the line, and the other car manages to finish 2nd,
the first car across the line loses.  But if both cars are alive, yet
only 1 car crosses the line (cause the game will DNF you with in a set
amount of time) he wins.  Understood?  In simple terms to win you must
finish the race with your oponent having a DNF, or he wins.

Semi Truck Jumping
Track : Eldon Raceway (only this one will do)
Damage : Your choice
Laps : Doesn't matter, about 10 or so.  Just to make sure the match
doesn't end prematurly.

Ok, we found this really fun.  Don't need an oponent, but it's really
fun to watch each another, since you can't see it later on a replay.  At
Eldon Raceway there is a 1\4 mile oval (not used by the game) in the
infield.  Beside the oval is semi trucks, and we noticed they are
perfectly placed for a launching ramp.  From turn 3\4 on the main
course, start going full on through the mini oval towards the semi on
slight angle.  Use the banking as a jump, and the hood\winshield of the
semi as a massive launching ramp.  Go head on.  From there you'll go
right on up.  On the back side of the track is 3 semis placed side by
side.  Our objective we've played with is over the 3rd one (it's
possiable), land on top, or just really ***in jumps (flips, barrel
rolls, 360's).  It's not really compitition, but its lots of fun.


Hope these ideas entertain you as much as they have entertained me.
Also while I'm here I might be starting an online league in time.  It'd
be a Hit & Run league, practicaly no rules racing , except with rules to
get rid of the extra unfair idiots.  Keep checking here for more
information as I'll try and get the site up soon.

Have fun,
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