> =
> If you have "no damage" on, do you still suffer from tire wear? I've
> been doing a lot of driving to set lap records, but now that I have
> seriously started a racing season I'm finding that my driving style
> sucks as I lock tires up too much and even though I have "no damage" on=
> the handling seems to get worse further into the race. Do your tires
> wear or is it me getting slack further into races?
> =
> Regards
> Scott
The damage on/off choices in the 'car realism menu' are only for engine-,=
suspension-, transmission-, electrical damage, punctures and loose wheels=
You always have tirewear, but with all damage off you won't have blown ti=
or wheels starting their own life.
When turning indestructable on (F4) you won't have any damage, even when =
into a wall at 300kmh/188mph. But still you have tirewear.
Cherio, Ren=E9, The Netherlands.
-- =
* If you decide not to choose, you still have made a choice. *
* http://www1.tip.nl/users/t752096/ *
* Windows :-( .....brings you yesterdays speed today *
* .....the choice of a brainwashed generation *