In case anyone missed it today. Emmo broke his neck at Michigan.
Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA
VBTrace 96 is a runtime Procedure Trace, XRef,
Debug, Profiler and much more. Shareware $49.
In case anyone missed it today. Emmo broke his neck at Michigan.
Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA
VBTrace 96 is a runtime Procedure Trace, XRef,
Debug, Profiler and much more. Shareware $49.
Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
I love Indycar but it wasn't show yestarday in the UK because of the
bloddy olimpics!!!! Who won anyway???
* Loadsa links
and racing sim files! *
* GP2 hotlap, reply and setup area now!!! *
* Do it now : *
> A fractured vertebra, if it's located in the neck region, IS a "broken
> neck", regardless of how serious it is.
As far as I'm concerned, he knew more than the original poster. He knew that
people would care to know about how Emmo was doing, not just that he had a
broken neck.
John Schuelke
>>>In case anyone missed it today. Emmo broke his neck at Michigan.
>>He didn't break his neck. one fractured vertabrae, no nerve damage, all
>>extremties are ok. The Dr. said it wasn't a very serious injury (!)
> A fractured vertebra, if it's located in the neck region, IS a "broken
> neck", regardless of how serious it is.
> Don't post things you know nothing about.
> --
> Drew Cheng, M.D.
In fact, here is Papa Doc's response to Gregory:
So please don't post until you understand the actual ideas that are being
communicated. Your knee-jerk, smartypants reaction just makes you look
like a bitter guy trying to gain some self-esteem by showing how smart
you are.
But maybe I'm asking too much, since I found the following elsewhere:
>>Johnny, there you go again postulating ***that you know nothing about.
> <ranting deleted>
> <raving deleted>
>>You really are an idiot.
>>Drew Cheng, M.D.
>>Northwestern Memorial Hospital
>>Chicago, IL
> Oh God help us.... this kind of juvenile name-calling is the *best* we
>can expect from an M.D.?!? Just goes to show you that having an education
>does not an intelligent person make.
> I hope I never get sick when I'm in the Chicago area....
> Anne K.
Gregory Fung
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
> >I love Indycar but it wasn't show yestarday in the UK because of the
> >bloddy olimpics!!!! Who won anyway???
> Ribiero. Try
> Don't post things you know nothing about.
#6 and #94 in the *real* quest for the Cup!
My home away from home...
Don't post things you know nothing about.
Drew Cheng, M.D.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Chicago, IL
> > A fractured vertebra, if it's located in the neck region, IS a "broken
> > neck", regardless of how serious it is.
> Just out of curiosity, exactly how close is the seventh vertabrae
> to the neck? Sheesh, I'm glad I've never had a "doctor" so defensive and
>***y. Nobody made any rude remarks until you did. Look back at the last
> three posts!
Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA
VBTrace 96 is a runtime Procedure Trace, XRef,
Debug, Profiler and much more. Shareware $49.
>>>>In case anyone missed it today. Emmo broke his neck at Michigan.
>>>He didn't break his neck. one fractured vertabrae, no nerve damage,
>>>extremties are ok. The Dr. said it wasn't a very serious injury (!)
>>>Gregory Fung
>>>Vancouver, B.C., Canada
>>Thank GOD I got scared when I read the first post. Thanks for
>>correcting it. There has been enough deaths and injuries in the last
>>years its time for a break.
>>Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
> My ass it was'nt serious!!! Dr. Barth Green of The Miami Project to
>Cure Paralysis did the operation on him. He said and I quote " Emmo
>was 1mm away from being a quadraplegic". Take this for fact because
>I work for the Project an I'm a personal friend of Dr.Green ! Feel
>free to email me for the latest info...........
> Patrick Sheehy
> The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
> writes:
> >>>>In case anyone missed it today. Emmo broke his neck at Michigan.
> >>>He didn't break his neck. one fractured vertabrae, no nerve damage,
> all
> >>>extremties are ok. The Dr. said it wasn't a very serious injury (!)
Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA
Patrick Sheehy
The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis