I sent a post to sim bin, and also to BRD, to discuss the possibility of
software controlled range of motion locks on BRDs new wheel. I believe itd
be very cool to have (as in real life for alot of race cars) a steering
wheel whos degrees of rotation lock to lock is dictated by the steering
ratio that is set in the garage.
BRD said it was a cool idea (im paraphrasing), but i didnt get any response
from sim bin, so im assuming that its been designed to be driven using the
standard 270degree msff and momo wheels et al.
im on a logitech driving force pro (900 degrees here) but my p3 550 dont
like gtr (im way below min spec - no worries).
Im thinking that unless a software controlled locking mechanism can be
instituted into the games and the hardware, then we're either going to be
lumped with wheels that turn to much or too little.