Hi all, I believe I found the reason why WinVROC freezes the PC from
time to time, it's related to the IRC channel for the CHAT.
I did a small experiment, turned off chat when entering WinVROC, and
problem is inexistant. As soon as I trigger the chat button (to access
the IRC chat room), the PC freezes.
I have no cure at the moment, but I have few questions, does people
accessing the IRC chat on port 6667 are having problems with IRC client
? Can we try another
port to access the chat room in WinVROC ?
I do not have Lawrence Holbert email address, I'm sure he would like to
know why
WinVROC is freezing up.
I also would like to know who gets the PC FREEZE and what IP address you
have ? (don't give the entire IP, just the first digits like :