ForceRS paddles breaks! I don't see any spares available through
ActLabs - anyone got a source or dead wheel they want to sell? I'd
snap up a LogiG25 if they were out.
Also - has anyone seen 1150 of rFactor to be *much* less stable than
previous versions? I get random CTDs all over the place, even when
sitting in the menus. I've tried the obvious stuff (disabled the menu
animations and music). I'm still running an un-modded reinstall - I
thought it was OK when I let the AI take the F1 BMW around Toban for a
few hours, but I still get totally random crashes at other times. No
error message, just straight CTD.
Thanks for any help,
w/91.31 drivers
I may crank it down, but it passes every stress-test as configured.