moving my wheel on my 'racing' box. It's all up and running but IE6 is constantly locking up and
acting flakey. If I redload and reinstall it, ie6 will work great..untill I shut the system down,
then the next time I fire up the machine...ie6 goes haywire again.
So I saw some mentions here on RAS of Firebird. I've used Mozilla in the past and this looks
like it's similar. It runs fine, no lockups like ie6. BUT...I can't get Java loaded and
enabled. Oh sure, the plugins installer SAYS Java was installed, but the browser
keeps refusing to run anything JAVA(which I NEED cuz that's what the Missus plays games)
So who gets the credit for WASTING my last two nights? Whos the genius? :)
And who knows how to get JAVA working on a win98se system??
dave henrie