As many of you know I'm a Ten newbie (I'm was late to join NROS) Upon
getting on Ten, I quickly figured out that there were "password protected"
practice and race sessions in the NON-NROS sections.
I then asked, why racers were having race/practice sessions not related to
the NROS schedule ( I.e. Talladega, Bristol, etc., etc.) and was told that
they were CFRL or Oscar races or whatever league race.......Doh.......Ok,
.. the question is:
Do you have to be a NROS member to join these "series" not in the NROS
arenas of Ten? I need more online practice and I would like to join a league
that races weekly and is not so *** "online" newbies?
Your advice is greatly appreciated ! (This message will also be cross posted
in !
Tim A. Deatherage
"Admitted Sim ***"