Nader for President - -
Damn, I thought Ralph died a couple of years back.
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Why Ralph is running
Statement will be released at 10:00 a.m. EST on February 23, 2004
Live at Press Conference; Watch CSPAN-2.
Check back here at that time for copy of the text.
Check Media & Press for Ralph's upcoming media appearances.
A thank you note from the Campaign Manager
On behalf of the Nader 2004 Presidential Exploratory Committee, I want to thankeveryone who took the time to provide inputs to our inquiries ? both proand con. We appreciated the feedback ? especially the thoughtfuldiscussions of issues and concerns for the future of our country. We will tryto respond to the correspondence as best as we can, but we also tried to answersome of the general questions and concerns in our FAQ.
It is a big country out there and we heard from a lot of people! Now that Ralphhas decided to run, we are no longer taking a referendum on the question ofwhether he should. If you encouraged him, we hope you will now help by gettinghim on the ballot, contributing to the campaign and volunteering at the locallevel. If you discouraged him and disagree with his decision, don?t support orvote for him. But please keep an open mind and have the courtesy to recognizethat others would like to have the opportunity for more choices and voices inthe elect***process to move this country forward. And that is exactly whatthis campaign will be all about. Stay tuned.
Thank you.
Theresa Amato
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"Freedom from fear means a confident nation should vote its hopes, not its fears (mp3 audio)."
"Every social justice advance in America involved a shift of power (mp3 audio)."
"Our country has more problems than it deserves and more solutions than it applies (mp3 audio)."
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