After converting Red Rock N2 to ICR2 and then converting it to N1 there are
problems in the lp files.
The only place there is an error in the lp file is in T1. After the AI's
cross the start finish line about 7 seconds later the cars just fall down
the track and seem to bang against the maxrace wall. Why would they fall
down the track if the lp file is telling them to stay above the maxrace
I did make a new lp file for it where the cars would be so high on the track
that this would not effect them, but when cars try and pass each other on
the right they encounter the problem again! Can somebody tell me why it has
this problem? Because it doesn'ty encounter this with both the N2 or ICR2
versions of the lp file, which happen to have ther same definitions as the
N1 lp file (N2 file also).
I would thank anybody's help.
Jon Van Ginneken
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