Don Hancock
the rebate is for the purchase price you paid for N21999. Less tax.
My advice is to do what I did. I went down
to the local COMPUSA and bought EA
Sports NBA Live 96 out of the bargain
rack for $10. I called Sierra and they said
that this program would qualify for the full
$49.00 rebate!
Not bad, $10 for Nascar 99 after Rebate!
Hope this helps you out.
Go J.G. #24 in 1999!!!
Thanks for any info,
Gary Beard
Woof Motorsports
go #24?? Jaysus, u gotta be kidding <g>. Ugh.
It should be "Go #88 and #6 in 1999"
(all in good humor, my friend)
Hitler Started with Gun Control Too!