

by jean » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

HiAll ,

Be carreful a lot of us received today a mail with an attachment called
"Prettypark.exe ."
This virus is really a shit . It scans your E-Mail adresses and send the
infected exe file to all your friends !!!!!!!

So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!


Iain Mackenzi


by Iain Mackenzi » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

It also screws up your apps!  If you have a file called files32.vxd on your
system and a registry entry with that in, beware!  *** one.

> HiAll ,

> Be carreful a lot of us received today a mail with an attachment called
> "Prettypark.exe ."
> This virus is really a shit . It scans your E-Mail adresses and send the
> infected exe file to all your friends !!!!!!!

> So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!

> Jean

Mike Hamli


by Mike Hamli » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

How do you get rid of this virus, I think I ran it?

Michael Hamlin

> HiAll ,

> Be carreful a lot of us received today a mail with an attachment called
> "Prettypark.exe ."
> This virus is really a shit . It scans your E-Mail adresses and send the
> infected exe file to all your friends !!!!!!!

> So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!

> Jean

Andrew Olle


by Andrew Olle » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Damn, wish I'd read this earlier. Anyone know how to get rid of it?

>How do you get rid of this virus, I think I ran it?

>Michael Hamlin

>> HiAll ,

>> Be carreful a lot of us received today a mail with an attachment called
>> "Prettypark.exe ."
>> This virus is really a shit . It scans your E-Mail adresses and send the
>> infected exe file to all your friends !!!!!!!

>> So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!

>> Jean



by Joe6 » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!

Standard Operating Procedure for ANY and ALL unknown EXE files,
especially when received by email. I wouldn't dream of running one.
Thanks for the warning anyway though.

Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer

Werner Hube


by Werner Hube » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Have a look at


Mike Hamlin schrieb:

> How do you get rid of this virus, I think I ran it?

> --
> Michael Hamlin

> > HiAll ,

> > Be carreful a lot of us received today a mail with an attachment called
> > "Prettypark.exe ."
> > This virus is really a shit . It scans your E-Mail adresses and send the
> > infected exe file to all your friends !!!!!!!

> > So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!

> > Jean

Daxe Rexfor


by Daxe Rexfor » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00's almost 2000...

    Frankly, I find it astounding that by now ANYONE would be stupid enough
to run an executable file they get attached to email unless they knew the
sender and verified the file.  I classify this under "If you are stupid
enough deserve it."


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Jan Koh


by Jan Koh » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>Be carreful a lot of us received today a mail with an attachment called
>"Prettypark.exe ."
>This virus is really a shit . It scans your E-Mail adresses and send the
>infected exe file to all your friends !!!!!!!

>So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!

Sorry for the binary upload, folks, but it's only 422 bytes!  (smaller than
some people's messages...)
Here's the fix for Pretty Park

1) Run the "Pretty Repair.reg" It will say that it is going to do something
to your registry...say yes.
2) Unzip the fixit.bat to your C:\  directory.
3) Shutdown, and click on "restart in MS-DOS" mode
4) type "cd .." (brings you to the C:\ directory)
5) type "fixit"



??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -

begin 666

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Goy Larse


by Goy Larse » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> >Be carreful a lot of us received today a mail with an attachment called
> >"Prettypark.exe ."
> >This virus is really a shit . It scans your E-Mail adresses and send the
> >infected exe file to all your friends !!!!!!!

> >So please don't run this exe , JUST DELETE THE MESSAGE !!!!!!

> Sorry for the binary upload, folks, but it's only 422 bytes!  (smaller than
> some people's messages...)
> Here's the fix for Pretty Park

> 1) Run the "Pretty Repair.reg" It will say that it is going to do something
> to your registry...say yes.
> 2) Unzip the fixit.bat to your C:\  directory.
> 3) Shutdown, and click on "restart in MS-DOS" mode
> 4) type "cd .." (brings you to the C:\ directory)
> 5) type "fixit"

Gee Jan, that was a quick fix, its almost like you knew how to do this
up front, boy, you're fast.........:-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

Jan Koh


by Jan Koh » Sun, 21 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>Gee Jan, that was a quick fix, its almost like you knew how to do this
>up front, boy, you're fast.........:-)

Har, har, Goy, very funny.  Perhaps you'd like me to make fun of your
weather?  ;]


??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -

Goy Larse


by Goy Larse » Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> >Gee Jan, that was a quick fix, its almost like you knew how to do this
> >up front, boy, you're fast.........:-)

> Har, har, Goy, very funny.  Perhaps you'd like me to make fun of your
> weather?  ;]

It's nothing to make fun of, it sux :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy



by Larr » Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Hell, even that isn't safe any more, not with the likes of Melissa and
BubbleBoy :(

The best cure seems to throw away Outlook, or have Microsoft take out the
ever-security-risking automation "features".

Frankly, who the hell needs to run VBA code embedded in an email message?
Ditto for Java.  It's email for crying out loud :)


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