(not that I really mind doing so), but since most (smaller) problems I fix easily, I usually
get the problems where I ask all my other computer saavy friends about it and they say...
"Geez! Never heard of that one..."
So, here's one I've never heard of, nor has anyone at The Pits Crew, and it's got me
stumped well and truly...
Problem: Get sound of NASCAR3 and/or NASCAR Legends starting up, but NO
video/screens whatsoever. Computer does not lock up, but you see the desktop as
if nothing has been started. You can hit ESC, ESC, and it will 'exit' the NASCAR sim,
so everything seems to work as advertised (no lockups), you just can't see any screens!
Background: New computer (to me), previous install of Win98SE, install was 'refreshened'
2 days ago. After refreshen of Win98, DirectX7a and brand new drivers for the video cards
were installed. No conflicts on system panel. No other problems detected by Sandra99.
Details: P300 (Intel) w/64 meg RAM, Win98SE, DirectX 7a,
Video: one Diamond Stealth II S220, two Diamond Monster Voodoo IIs
(all with latest drivers)
Sound: Creative Labs PCI128 w/latest drivers
Requested response: HELP! ;]
Solution should response not be available: Computer will be used for bass fishing in the Gulf of Mexico,
to hold boat in position while 'pulling in that big one'...
Other possible solutions: Computer may be used as a jack stand, paper weight, door stop, or other such
immovable lumpy object that requires no interaction...
??Jan Kohl?? **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL
Castle Graphics - http://www.racesimcentral.net/
The Pits - http://www.racesimcentral.net/