a racing geek so my points may be skewed).
First off I love games that let me feel what it's like to achieve greatness
without spending all the hard earned years of trials and errors. NSR is just
that. I popped it in to my
2ghz 1gb machine with a 256meg Nvidia card and set a few things up. Ran my
first race with Biffle (I work full time for the Guard and love the ol'
16!). Won with Gordon on my ***8 seconds behind. This was on the second of
4 levels of difficulty.
One thing I noted right away that really dropped my jaw was the weather
effects. Chaging weather!! VEry nice touch. I raced in Joliet and the North
end of the track looked like a mid-june day, the other end looked like a mid
june day too except the pending Thunderhead rolling in. I almost thought I
saw leaves turning over. VERY nice touch.
The only complaint I have so far is the sound. First I have 48 sounds on and
sometimes it just appeared to go silent for like a 10th of a second. Odd?
Also the initial sound setup makes your spotter and stuff VERY hard to hear.
Reset it at 100% spotter and 80% engine and all was fine.
Back to race. Let me know if you want any particulars.