Time stands still

Tim Yuhas

Time stands still

by Tim Yuhas » Thu, 09 Oct 1997 04:00:00

Some inguireing minds out there would like to no how some people are so
fast on
IVGA fastlaps,it's because there so slow.Where do you think ivga software
reads the time,from the game?noooo from the compters clock,and if the clock
runs slower..
you figure out the rest.BTW I Know who shot kennedy.
On a sidenote,by the time nro becomes a reality we will all be raceing
sim anyway,so who gives a hoot.More drivel to follow!

Ofcourse there is an outside chance that they are out and out just plain
better than the rest.

Ne plus ultra,where do we go from here?

Robert Platt

Time stands still

by Robert Platt » Sat, 11 Oct 1997 04:00:00

 Well I will let you in on a little secert Smokkinu runs on a 200 MMx with a
8 meg Matrox card and Smokkinu runs on a 166 and a matrox card.I myself run

Thank you
Robert "GT86" Platts

Jure Zagoricni

Time stands still

by Jure Zagoricni » Sat, 11 Oct 1997 04:00:00

I have P133, 40 MB RAM... u call that fast computer?


John Montes Jr

Time stands still

by John Montes Jr » Sun, 12 Oct 1997 04:00:00

I'm running a K6-233 and you don't see me beating Jure.  I think if
you're over a P-100 then you're in good shape.  I also think if you have
aP133 with 40MB RAM and your name is Jure then you're in REALLY good


> I have P133, 40 MB RAM... u call that fast computer?

> Jure

> > Some inguireing minds out there would like to no how some people are
> so
> > fast on
> > IVGA fastlaps,it's because there so slow.Where do you think ivga
> software
> > reads the time,from the game?noooo from the compters clock,and if
> the
> clock
> > runs slower..
> > you figure out the rest.BTW I Know who shot kennedy.
> > On a sidenote,by the time nro becomes a reality we will all be
> raceing
> > microsofts
> > sim anyway,so who gives a hoot.More drivel to follow!

> > Ofcourse there is an outside chance that they are out and out just
> plain
> > better than the rest.

> > Ne plus ultra,where do we go from here?

John Montes Jr.
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