I'm looking for info on what race or races these special cars were
driven in:
5 with Frosted Flakes w/Tony the Tiger on Hood
21 101 Dalmations
22 Mighty Ducks
25 Bud Frogs
28 with white hood
40 Silver Bullet
71 with "Making of Champions"
75 purple Stren
I also need to clear up what paint jobs were on the #29 at what races --
I know there's one with Scooby-Doo on the hood, and one with Tom and
Jerry on the hood and some weird kid with glasses on the fender. Are
there others?
Somebody had a Baltimore Colts logo on the back at the Brickyard --
anyone know who that was?
Also, on these, I *think* I now when they were driven but am not sure.
Can anyone confirm that I'm right or tell me I'm wrong?
3 Wheaties: The Winston
3 with Plus on hood: Miller 400, Michigan
5 with Texas on roof: Texas (this I'm pretty sure of (smile))
24 Lost World: The Winston
37 Kids against ***: Winston Open
And are there any other special paint jobs I've not listed?