Before you attempt to pass this off as another scam, please at least read this through
thoroughly. This is not a scam. It may not change your life, but it will make things a
little easier. I've read a few of these posts prior to acting on them, and thought "maybe it's
doable, but who would actually follow through" But folks, I finally tried it and it works. If
you have any idead how HUGH the Internet is, you would know why and how this works.
I urge you to read on - YOU WILL NOT REGRET THIS.
Just follow these three simple steps.
1) Write your name, address on 5 sheets of paper. Below that write the words "Please add me to your
mailing list". Fold a $1 bill or bank draft in eah piece of paper and send them to the following 5 address:
#1 - Cuong HO
35-15, 149th Place
Flushing, NY 11354
#2 - Michael Strahan
4520-18th. Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55407
#3 - Arthur G
120, Jalan Aneka,
Serene Park, 8000 Johor Bahru,
W. Malysis
#4 - Carlson C
1829 E. 7th. St.
Duluth, MN 55806
#5 - Paulette Clark
3379 Aztec Rd, 26-C
Doraville, Ga 30340
2) Now remove the top name from the list and move the other four names up one spot.
So #5 moves to #4, #4 moves to #3, and so on.
3) Post the article to at least 200 newsgroups or more. There are over 7,000, so it shouldn't
be hard to find them.
Each person who sent you $1 now also makes 200 additional posts with your name in the #4 spot.
Let's review why you should do this> THE COST IS ONLY $5, 5 STAMPS, 5 SHEETS OF PAPER AND
5 ENVELOPS. The odds are better then playing any of the lottery games.
Start making your plans now, it's a wise investment.