Prefer 2nd hand
Am in Brisbane Australia
Prefer 2nd hand
Am in Brisbane Australia
>Prefer 2nd hand
I would suggest you go for the $59.95 version.....
Anthony Bulloch
> >Hi am after F1RC by UBI Soft
> >Prefer 2nd hand
> Harvey Norman in the city have it for $59.95 or $79.95 depending on
> which box you pick up.
> I would suggest you go for the $59.95 version.....
> Regards,
> Anthony Bulloch
HN are a retailer, they exist to make money. If the consumer is not
smart enough to know the market rate for a product it is not their job
to educate them. AUD$59.95 is not a rip-off for this title.
Anthony Bulloch
> >or just search around for a download.....I'd give you a link but the "we
> >don't do anything illegal" crowd will jump on their soapboxes.
> >As for Hardly Normal..they are a ripoff,stay right away from that lot.
> HN are a retailer, they exist to make money. If the consumer is not
> smart enough to know the market rate for a product it is not their job
> to educate them. AUD$59.95 is not a rip-off for this title.
> Regards,
> Anthony Bulloch