Rock before I leave work, and I'm startled by 2 things:
-Lime Rock is *bumpy* - he's bouncing around and feathering the
throttle all over the place. I haven't had SpeedTV for a while (just
moved recently) - and my only on track experience is the Nurburgring
in a rented A4, and clinging to the roll bar inside a '70 Firebird at
Summit Point,WV (ride-along laps for charity). Is LR particularly
torn up?
-The fore-aft bouncing and pitching is particularly noticeable - I
remember alot of people ***ing about the effect being overdone in
GTR2002 - but from the video it looks *spot on*.
-And the *sound* :) - even with the low-quality realaudio file - no
game has even come *close*. Not alot of whine or screech - just
wonderful growl-rasp-growl. The other interesting thing is how rapid
the sound drop-off is from other cars - cars are plenty loud when
they're right on top of him, but by the time they're right in front
you don't hear a thing.
Damn - when's SBDT's GTR supposed to come out :)?