I've tried it, but can't really say much about the pyhcics... there's
no way to configure controllers, so you're stuck with the keyboard.
And with my (finnish) keyboard the gear up key was numpad "+", and
gear down was the other "+" key (next to the zero key). Arrow keys
were the other controls, so using manual gears was rather difficult.
I'd say the physics appeared to be better than in NFSU. There even
seemed to be some understeer, which is usually the first thing you
notice missing from arcade games. But without a wheel it's kinda hard
to judge...
The graphics had some huge issues with my system; looked like 3D mark
2001 when you overclock your graphics cards memory too high... lots of
"triangles" missing textures and/or flashing. Couldn't be bothered to
try to do anything about it, so I just uninstalled the thing after
trying it once. Graphics card is GF4Ti4200, drivers are the last
official from 4x.xx series.
Jussi 'Igor' Koukku