: >
: > >I know there is somewhere Alex Zanardis steering wheel setup file for
: > GP2,
: > >but I cannot find it. Now you probably already know what I asking but
: > anyway,
: > >where can I find it?
: >
: > E-mail me and I'll zip it over...The setup was created while Alex was
: > practicing for the US-500 race last year, and was in a hospitality area
: > driving GP2. He gave the setup to Virtual Vehicle who provided the
: > simulators, and they in turn gave it to SRN. =)
: ======
: Setup files are so small (84 bytes). Why not just post it here as an
: attachment?
: (BTW: I'm interested in the file, even if you choose not to post it to
: the newsgroup. Thanks.)
Right, I have attached it here. And before anyone begins to think that
posting binaries to a discussion group is wrong and why would the r.a.s.
FAQ maintainer do it.... Here is the following from the FAQ:
o Please do not post large binary files like GIFs, JPEGs, MPEGs or WAVs
to rec.autos.simulators. They will fill the Usenet disk partitions at
some sites. Some people cannot select which articles they want before
they have to download them. Post them to alt.binaries.simulators.autos
newsgroup with a short post to rec.autos.simulators to notify anyone
who is interested.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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