many manufacters I think let their Speedomiters give false speeds when going
fast. I remember Riding with a friend, He had a Kawi Zx-7 and I have a Yam
YZF 750. We were opened up and he was barely pulling on me, He maybe was
going tops 2-3mph faster. anyway afterwards we talked and he said his speedo
read 175+, Mine at the time read just under 160mph. I tend to believe we
were only doing 160. He refused to believe his speedo could be wrong.
Kevin Anderson
#15 K_Anderson
> it's been my experience in the past that speedo's are often incorrect,
> erring (sp?) on the side of optomism.
> (I was pushing 290 on a cbr900rr which I don't think is possible is one
> example)
> this could be a factor.....
> speedracer
> PS I also remember an article in some car mag in which they were comparing
> speedo readings to radar ones.... sometimes they were out by as many as
> 20-30 km (up really high)
> > Which Mclaren F1 is it? The stock one only goes up to 371KM/H
> > Ross
> > Klaus Kelbert a crit dans le message
> > >Have a look at:
> > >
> > > ---> PROS ---->Top 10
> > >for two great incarvideos.
> > >McLaren F1 accelerating to 391km/h and a Lamborghini
> > >Diablo to 340km/h. For the Lambo vid you have
> > >to use the link to the Lamborghini homepage.
> > >But take care ! These files are rather big !
> > >Have fun
> > > Klaus