2 incar videoclips

Klaus Kelbe

2 incar videoclips

by Klaus Kelbe » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Have a look at:

     ---> PROS      ---->Top 10

for two great incarvideos.

McLaren F1 accelerating to 391km/h and a Lamborghini
Diablo to 340km/h. For the Lambo vid you have
to use the link to the Lamborghini homepage.
But take care ! These files are rather big !

Have fun


2 incar videoclips

by c » Wed, 24 Nov 1999 04:00:00

it's been my experience in the past that speedo's are often incorrect,
erring (sp?) on the side of optomism.
(I was pushing 290 on a cbr900rr which I don't think is possible is one
this could be a factor.....


PS I also remember an article in some car mag in which they were comparing
speedo readings to radar ones.... sometimes they were out by as many as
20-30 km (up really high)

> Which Mclaren F1 is it? The stock one only goes up to 371KM/H
> Ross
> Klaus Kelbert a crit dans le message

> >Have a look at:

> >

> >     ---> PROS      ---->Top 10

> >for two great incarvideos.

> >McLaren F1 accelerating to 391km/h and a Lamborghini
> >Diablo to 340km/h. For the Lambo vid you have
> >to use the link to the Lamborghini homepage.
> >But take care ! These files are rather big !

> >Have fun
> >     Klaus


2 incar videoclips

by Mac1 » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Which Mclaren F1 is it? The stock one only goes up to 371KM/H
Klaus Kelbert a crit dans le message


2 incar videoclips

by Jame » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

not so bad at 89K/s, never happen on a dial-up... 17664K ...sheesh!

> Have a look at:


>      ---> PROS      ---->Top 10

> for two great incarvideos.

> McLaren F1 accelerating to 391km/h and a Lamborghini
> Diablo to 340km/h. For the Lambo vid you have
> to use the link to the Lamborghini homepage.
> But take care ! These files are rather big !

> Have fun
>      Klaus


|                      --James--                       |

|                  --ICQ# 36334509--                   |

Klaus Kelbe

2 incar videoclips

by Klaus Kelbe » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Hi Ross!

Don't know.
IMHO they took a faster driver!    ;-)



2 incar videoclips

by Kev » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

The stock F1 does 240mph (390ish kph). Kind of.

There has only ever been 1 proper road test with accurate timing
equipment done on the F1. That was by UK car magazine Autocar. They
clocked it at 230mph (370kph) but that was on the banked oval at
Millbrook and the banking scrubs off speed. This is the top speed figure
that has been published up until last year.

The footage is from a second speed run they did last year on a flat
straight piece of track in Germany I think. They got it to 241mph
(390kph) by tinkering a bit (I think they had the camber set at zero and
some other bits too) and they reckoned it could have gone a bit faster
if they had removed the wing mirrors too!


> Which Mclaren F1 is it? The stock one only goes up to 371KM/H
> Ross
> Klaus Kelbert a crit dans le message

> >Have a look at:

> >

> >     ---> PROS      ---->Top 10

> >for two great incarvideos.

> >McLaren F1 accelerating to 391km/h and a Lamborghini
> >Diablo to 340km/h. For the Lambo vid you have
> >to use the link to the Lamborghini homepage.
> >But take care ! These files are rather big !

> >Have fun
> >     Klaus

Steve Ferguso

2 incar videoclips

by Steve Ferguso » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

: it's been my experience in the past that speedo's are often incorrect,
: erring (sp?) on the side of optomism.
: (I was pushing 290 on a cbr900rr which I don't think is possible is one
: example)
: this could be a factor.....

Most of the speedo readings on that page are incredibly optimistic.  I
particularly liked the Polo G40 that was creeping up to Porsche
territory.  No amount of "tuning" (around here, usually synonymous with
lowering your car until your have negative camber on all four wheels,
painting it purple, and installing a Remus coffee-can exhaust) will
extract that kind of performance from that car.  someone needs to get
their physics books out.  suggested reading would be the sections on drag
force, power and rolling resistance.


Bj?rn Nyhl??

2 incar videoclips

by Bj?rn Nyhl?? » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> : it's been my experience in the past that speedo's are often incorrect,
> : erring (sp?) on the side of optomism.
> : (I was pushing 290 on a cbr900rr which I don't think is possible is one
> : example)
> : this could be a factor.....

> Most of the speedo readings on that page are incredibly optimistic.  I
> particularly liked the Polo G40 that was creeping up to Porsche
> territory.  No amount of "tuning" (around here, usually synonymous with
> lowering your car until your have negative camber on all four wheels,
> painting it purple, and installing a Remus coffee-can exhaust) will
> extract that kind of performance from that car.  someone needs to get
> their physics books out.  suggested reading would be the sections on drag
> force, power and rolling resistance.

> Stephen

Did you look at the homepage of said Polo owner? With the mods he has done
to his car, those speeds is very viable.


Peter Nilss

2 incar videoclips

by Peter Nilss » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Notice in the clip that the driver gets the readout from what I assume
is a small digital readout on top of the dashboard.


Kevin Anderso

2 incar videoclips

by Kevin Anderso » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

many manufacters I think let their Speedomiters give false speeds when going
fast. I remember Riding with a friend, He had a Kawi Zx-7 and I have a Yam
YZF 750. We were opened up and he was barely pulling  on me, He maybe was
going tops 2-3mph faster. anyway afterwards we talked and he said his speedo
read 175+, Mine at the time read just under 160mph. I tend to believe we
were only doing 160. He refused to believe his speedo could be wrong.

Kevin Anderson

#15 K_Anderson

> it's been my experience in the past that speedo's are often incorrect,
> erring (sp?) on the side of optomism.
> (I was pushing 290 on a cbr900rr which I don't think is possible is one
> example)
> this could be a factor.....

> speedracer

> PS I also remember an article in some car mag in which they were comparing
> speedo readings to radar ones.... sometimes they were out by as many as
> 20-30 km (up really high)

> > Which Mclaren F1 is it? The stock one only goes up to 371KM/H
> > Ross
> > Klaus Kelbert a crit dans le message

> > >Have a look at:

> > >

> > >     ---> PROS      ---->Top 10

> > >for two great incarvideos.

> > >McLaren F1 accelerating to 391km/h and a Lamborghini
> > >Diablo to 340km/h. For the Lambo vid you have
> > >to use the link to the Lamborghini homepage.
> > >But take care ! These files are rather big !

> > >Have fun
> > >     Klaus is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.