GP2: Everyone's a critic.


GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by Strayho » Sun, 18 Aug 1996 04:00:00

First let me say that I am new to the racing sim business. Up until
two weeks ago I had merely dabbled with F1 for a few days. It seemed
fine, but hardly set my toes alight. However, following numerous
favourable reviews of GP2 in U.K. magazines I decided to purchase this
sequel whilst, at the same time, beginning to read Here are my impressions:
1. I love GP2. It is up there with Civ2 as game of the year. It is
fast, exciting, detailed and challenging. I am doing my own braking
and gear changes, learning the tracks, racing at rookie level (loosing
a lot, winning a few) and generally having stacks of fun. I run in VGA
with all the details and textures on at 25fps. I get no slowdown at
all, ever. When I lose a race, I always know why. I always know what
mistake I made, and how I can improve my racing. Yesterday I figured
out how to make a good start. The sense of achievment was great. My
overwhelming impression of the game is its fairness and its depth. I
don't feel that the other cars are cheating. They are just racing
better than I am.
2. The discussions in this newsgroup are beginning to get on my
nerves. As a complete fan of GP2 I want to know how to get the most
out the game, and how to race better. That is what I turn to the
newsgroup for. But what I get are endless, and futile, "which is
better ICR2 or GP2?", and whinging "I don't like this feature and that
feature etc. etc." discussions which don't get anyone anywhere. So you
don't like the fact that only one marshall is needed to push your car
off the track? So what. You shouldn't have crashed in the first place.
"Where's the crane? Where's the crane?", you cry. Who cares? You
crashed again, didn't you? Worry about that instead.
3. The video issue: the game feels like treacle during busy bits. Not
when I play it, it don't. But then, I am a pragmatic chap and I run
the game in VGA. I also make sure that my actual frame rate is a
couple of clicks below the estimated rate (this really makes a
difference). I know you are all disappointed that SVGA looks so good
but runs so slow, but, frankly, I have much more fun playing the game
by not worrying about it and running in VGA instead.
4. "It lacks realism" they cry. Well, when Damon Hill starts posting
to this group and he tells me it lacks realism, then I might listen
with interest. But even then I'm not going to start whinging about it.
GP2 is a video game, and that is all. If you want realism then sell
your computer, get out  into the fresh air and race karts. My
impression is that GC and his mates have done a fine job of balacing
depth of gameplay with playability. The learning curve seems just
right and the game looks nice. I couldn't really ask for much more.
5. Do Microprose pay any attention to the complaints of the users of
this group? Probably not. Their website has an e-mail form. If you
have complaints, then send them to Microprose direct. You probably
stand a better chance of being listened to by someone who actually has
some influence on future patches. I sent them a techy question a while
ago and got a response within a day or so.
In conclusion: its the carping tone of so many of the posts that
irritates me. The only value of this group, to me anyway, is as a
forum for constructive comments, hints, driving advice, etc., and, in
general, anything which makes my playing experience more enjoyable.
I suppose I should say that, no, I am not a personal friend of Geoff
Crammond, nor am I affiliated with Microprose. And I admit to being a
beginner, so I suppose I should be more tolerant of all of you experts
out there who were hoping for more from the game, but again I say:
tell Microprose, not us. Instead, use your expertise to provide those
of us who are new to racing sims with some good advice.
Cheers, and keep driving til dawn.

Henrik Mon

GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by Henrik Mon » Sun, 18 Aug 1996 04:00:00

On Aug 17, 1996 14:16:34 in article <GP2: Everyone's a critic.>,

>First let me say that I am new to the racing sim business. Up until
>two weeks ago I had merely dabbled with F1 for a few days. It seemed
>fine, but hardly set my toes alight. However, following numerous
>favourable reviews of GP2 in U.K. magazines I decided to purchase this
>sequel whilst, at the same time, beginning to read
> Here are my impressions:
>1. I love GP2. It is up there with Civ2 as game of the year. It is
>fast, exciting, detailed and challenging. I am doing my own braking
>and gear changes, learning the tracks, racing at rookie level (loosing
>a lot, winning a few) and generally having stacks of fun. I run in VGA
>with all the details and textures on at 25fps. I get no slowdown at
>all, ever. When I lose a race, I always know why. I always know what
>mistake I made, and how I can improve my racing. Yesterday I figured
>out how to make a good start. The sense of achievment was great. My
>overwhelming impression of the game is its fairness and its depth. I
>don't feel that the other cars are cheating. They are just racing
>better than I am.
>2. The discussions in this newsgroup are beginning to get on my
>nerves. As a complete fan of GP2 I want to know how to get the most
>out the game, and how to race better. That is what I turn to the
>newsgroup for. But what I get are endless, and futile, "which is
>better ICR2 or GP2?", and whinging "I don't like this feature and that
>feature etc. etc." discussions which don't get anyone anywhere. So you
>don't like the fact that only one marshall is needed to push your car
>off the track? So what. You shouldn't have crashed in the first place.
>"Where's the crane? Where's the crane?", you cry. Who cares? You
>crashed again, didn't you? Worry about that instead.
>3. The video issue: the game feels like treacle during busy bits. Not
>when I play it, it don't. But then, I am a pragmatic chap and I run
>the game in VGA. I also make sure that my actual frame rate is a
>couple of clicks below the estimated rate (this really makes a
>difference). I know you are all disappointed that SVGA looks so good
>but runs so slow, but, frankly, I have much more fun playing the game
>by not worrying about it and running in VGA instead.
>4. "It lacks realism" they cry. Well, when Damon Hill starts posting
>to this group and he tells me it lacks realism, then I might listen
>with interest. But even then I'm not going to start whinging about it.
>GP2 is a video game, and that is all. If you want realism then sell
>your computer, get out  into the fresh air and race karts. My
>impression is that GC and his mates have done a fine job of balacing
>depth of gameplay with playability. The learning curve seems just
>right and the game looks nice. I couldn't really ask for much more.
>5. Do Microprose pay any attention to the complaints of the users of
>this group? Probably not. Their website has an e-mail form. If you
>have complaints, then send them to Microprose direct. You probably
>stand a better chance of being listened to by someone who actually has
>some influence on future patches. I sent them a techy question a while
>ago and got a response within a day or so.
>In conclusion: its the carping tone of so many of the posts that
>irritates me. The only value of this group, to me anyway, is as a
>forum for constructive comments, hints, driving advice, etc., and, in
>general, anything which makes my playing experience more enjoyable.
>I suppose I should say that, no, I am not a personal friend of Geoff
>Crammond, nor am I affiliated with Microprose. And I admit to being a
>beginner, so I suppose I should be more tolerant of all of you experts
>out there who were hoping for more from the game, but again I say:
>tell Microprose, not us. Instead, use your expertise to provide those
>of us who are new to racing sims with some good advice.
>Cheers, and keep driving til dawn.

Right on!!!!!!!  :-)  

[Henrik Monti]                  
[IndyBound Karting]              
[F1-Kart Speedway Miami, FL]      
[IVGA#2542, Int. Tool Racing]------------------------------------/

   \                                                                      /

    \                                                                    /
                        \             WC DAP 90 / Yamaha Y-3              /


Kevin H.

GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by Kevin H. » Sun, 18 Aug 1996 04:00:00

Hey if you want the patch for improvements, then shut up.

'John' Joao Sil

GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by 'John' Joao Sil » Mon, 19 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>First let me say that I am new to the racing sim business. Up until
>two weeks ago I had merely dabbled with F1 for a few days. It seemed
>fine, but hardly set my toes alight. However, following numerous
>favourable reviews of GP2 in U.K. magazines I decided to purchase this
>sequel whilst, at the same time, beginning to read
> Here are my impressions:
>1. I love GP2. It is up there with Civ2 as game of the year. It is
>Cheers, and keep driving til dawn.


Although I pretty much agree with you about GP2, you have to
understand that r.a.s. is part of USENET, and as that it means that you have
a collection of people from all over the world with many different
opinions and tastes. That is just the way USENET is, you can't come on
a group and expect to find only posts and opinions that agree with
your own, you are also going to have to tolerate opposing views, that
is just part of what goes along with freedom of expression.

One reason that I think you are seeing many posts knocking it down, is
because of the marketing by Microprose. They announced a bunch of neat
features that they were not able to implement into the game because
the project was already overdue. With all the marketing it got, GP2
had a lot of things to measure up to, one of them was the comparison
to ICR2. The same thing happened to Quake... too much hype leads to
unrealistic expectations.

Personally I like them both (ICR2 and GP2), each one does what it does
pretty well, and as far as the people who disagree, all you can do is
post your opposing opinion, maybe help them to configure their game
better. It is possible that they will try some things out and change their
opinion. But there still will be a lot of people who just like to

I figured that out about USENET a few years back, people just like to
***, you can give them a FREE program, and they will still come on
the newsgroups and *** about it. Oh well that's just the way things
are. Just don't let that keep you from enjoying this newsgroup and the

May your laps be fast ones ;-)



  John (Joao) Silva
  Seattle, Washington USA.

Greg Cis

GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by Greg Cis » Mon, 19 Aug 1996 04:00:00

That was a great post!

However, some of us have been here since this newsgroup started. Because of
that some of us know for a fact that MPS & SH do listen to our comments. WIll
they be implemented? Who knows? But they do listen. I share your feelings about
GP2. Remember, GP2 has to be a pretty darn good game is the biggest complaints
are 1 track marshal pushing a broken car & the crane thing :-) The one valid
complaint/worry I can see is the time-warp problem with GP2 when the processor
ocupancy goes far above 100%.

A J Samue

GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by A J Samue » Wed, 21 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>That was a great post!

>>out there who were hoping for more from the game, but again I say:
>>tell Microprose, not us. Instead, use your expertise to provide those
>>of us who are new to racing sims with some good advice.

>However, some of us have been here since this newsgroup started. Because of
>that some of us know for a fact that MPS & SH do listen to our comments. WIll
>they be implemented? Who knows? But they do listen. I share your feelings about
>GP2. Remember, GP2 has to be a pretty darn good game is the biggest complaints
>are 1 track marshal pushing a broken car & the crane thing :-) The one valid
>complaint/worry I can see is the time-warp problem with GP2 when the processor
>ocupancy goes far above 100%.

As far as I'm concerned the biggest complaint about GP2 is that the
replay facility is archaic compared with ICR2.



  AA AA        JJ     "It's not a question of whose habitat it is,
 AAAAAAA  JJ   JJ       it's a question of how hard you hit it!"
AA     AA  JJJJJ                    (Arthur Dent)

Christian Nadea

GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by Christian Nadea » Wed, 21 Aug 1996 04:00:00

> First let me say that I am new to the racing sim business. Up until
> two weeks ago I had merely dabbled with F1 for a few days. It seemed
> fine, but hardly set my toes alight. However, following numerous
> favourable reviews of GP2 in U.K. magazines I decided to purchase this
> sequel whilst, at the same time, beginning to read
> Here are my impressions:
> 1. I love GP2. It is up there with Civ2 as game of the year. It is
> fast, exciting, detailed and challenging. I am doing my own braking
> and gear changes, learning the tracks, racing at rookie level (loosing
> a lot, winning a few) and generally having stacks of fun. I run in VGA
> with all the details and textures on at 25fps. I get no slowdown at
> all, ever. When I lose a race, I always know why. I always know what
> mistake I made, and how I can improve my racing. Yesterday I figured
> out how to make a good start. The sense of achievment was great. My
> overwhelming impression of the game is its fairness and its depth. I
> don't feel that the other cars are cheating. They are just racing
> better than I am.
> 2. The discussions in this newsgroup are beginning to get on my
> nerves. As a complete fan of GP2 I want to know how to get the most
> out the game, and how to race better. That is what I turn to the
> newsgroup for. But what I get are endless, and futile, "which is
> better ICR2 or GP2?", and whinging "I don't like this feature and that
> feature etc. etc." discussions which don't get anyone anywhere. So you
> don't like the fact that only one marshall is needed to push your car
> off the track? So what. You shouldn't have crashed in the first place.
> "Where's the crane? Where's the crane?", you cry. Who cares? You
> crashed again, didn't you? Worry about that instead.
> 3. The video issue: the game feels like treacle during busy bits. Not
> when I play it, it don't. But then, I am a pragmatic chap and I run
> the game in VGA. I also make sure that my actual frame rate is a
> couple of clicks below the estimated rate (this really makes a
> difference). I know you are all disappointed that SVGA looks so good
> but runs so slow, but, frankly, I have much more fun playing the game
> by not worrying about it and running in VGA instead.
> 4. "It lacks realism" they cry. Well, when Damon Hill starts posting
> to this group and he tells me it lacks realism, then I might listen
> with interest. But even then I'm not going to start whinging about it.
> GP2 is a video game, and that is all. If you want realism then sell
> your computer, get out  into the fresh air and race karts. My
> impression is that GC and his mates have done a fine job of balacing
> depth of gameplay with playability. The learning curve seems just
> right and the game looks nice. I couldn't really ask for much more.
> 5. Do Microprose pay any attention to the complaints of the users of
> this group? Probably not. Their website has an e-mail form. If you
> have complaints, then send them to Microprose direct. You probably
> stand a better chance of being listened to by someone who actually has
> some influence on future patches. I sent them a techy question a while
> ago and got a response within a day or so.
> In conclusion: its the carping tone of so many of the posts that
> irritates me. The only value of this group, to me anyway, is as a
> forum for constructive comments, hints, driving advice, etc., and, in
> general, anything which makes my playing experience more enjoyable.
> I suppose I should say that, no, I am not a personal friend of Geoff
> Crammond, nor am I affiliated with Microprose. And I admit to being a
> beginner, so I suppose I should be more tolerant of all of you experts
> out there who were hoping for more from the game, but again I say:
> tell Microprose, not us. Instead, use your expertise to provide those
> of us who are new to racing sims with some good advice.
> Cheers, and keep driving til dawn.
> Andrew.

YESSSSS!!!!! I'm tired too to read comments like "my computer achieves
better frame-rate than your's!!"
Jo Hels

GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by Jo Hels » Wed, 21 Aug 1996 04:00:00



Discussion is the goal of usenet, so I think discussion is pretty unavoidable.

But I think it would be much easier to situate the messages and there importance
when every poster had to include his/her age.  :-)


The most civilized civilizations are as close to barba-
rism as polished iron is to rust.



GP2: Everyone's a critic.

by Jamsj » Sat, 24 Aug 1996 04:00:00

> > First let me say that I am new to the racing sim business. Up until
> > two weeks ago I had merely dabbled with F1 for a few days. It seemed
> > fine, but hardly set my toes alight. However, following numerous
> > favourable reviews of GP2 in U.K. magazines I decided to purchase this
> > sequel whilst, at the same time, beginning to read
> > Here are my impressions:
> > 1. I love GP2. It is up there with Civ2 as game of the year. It is
> > fast, exciting, detailed and challenging. I am doing my own braking
> > and gear changes, learning the tracks, racing at rookie level (loosing
> > a lot, winning a few) and generally having stacks of fun. I run in VGA
> > with all the details and textures on at 25fps. I get no slowdown at
> > all, ever. When I lose a race, I always know why. I always know what
> > mistake I made, and how I can improve my racing. Yesterday I figured
> > out how to make a good start. The sense of achievment was great. My
> > overwhelming impression of the game is its fairness and its depth. I
> > don't feel that the other cars are cheating. They are just racing
> > better than I am.
> > 2. The discussions in this newsgroup are beginning to get on my
> > nerves. As a complete fan of GP2 I want to know how to get the most
> > out the game, and how to race better. That is what I turn to the
> > newsgroup for. But what I get are endless, and futile, "which is
> > better ICR2 or GP2?", and whinging "I don't like this feature and that
> > feature etc. etc." discussions which don't get anyone anywhere. So you
> > don't like the fact that only one marshall is needed to push your car
> > off the track? So what. You shouldn't have crashed in the first place.
> > "Where's the crane? Where's the crane?", you cry. Who cares? You
> > crashed again, didn't you? Worry about that instead.
> > 3. The video issue: the game feels like treacle during busy bits. Not
> > when I play it, it don't. But then, I am a pragmatic chap and I run
> > the game in VGA. I also make sure that my actual frame rate is a
> > couple of clicks below the estimated rate (this really makes a
> > difference). I know you are all disappointed that SVGA looks so good
> > but runs so slow, but, frankly, I have much more fun playing the game
> > by not worrying about it and running in VGA instead.
> > 4. "It lacks realism" they cry. Well, when Damon Hill starts posting
> > to this group and he tells me it lacks realism, then I might listen
> > with interest. But even then I'm not going to start whinging about it.
> > GP2 is a video game, and that is all. If you want realism then sell
> > your computer, get out  into the fresh air and race karts. My
> > impression is that GC and his mates have done a fine job of balacing
> > depth of gameplay with playability. The learning curve seems just
> > right and the game looks nice. I couldn't really ask for much more.
> > 5. Do Microprose pay any attention to the complaints of the users of
> > this group? Probably not. Their website has an e-mail form. If you
> > have complaints, then send them to Microprose direct. You probably
> > stand a better chance of being listened to by someone who actually has
> > some influence on future patches. I sent them a techy question a while
> > ago and got a response within a day or so.
> > In conclusion: its the carping tone of so many of the posts that
> > irritates me. The only value of this group, to me anyway, is as a
> > forum for constructive comments, hints, driving advice, etc., and, in
> > general, anything which makes my playing experience more enjoyable.
> > I suppose I should say that, no, I am not a personal friend of Geoff
> > Crammond, nor am I affiliated with Microprose. And I admit to being a
> > beginner, so I suppose I should be more tolerant of all of you experts
> > out there who were hoping for more from the game, but again I say:
> > tell Microprose, not us. Instead, use your expertise to provide those
> > of us who are new to racing sims with some good advice.
> > Cheers, and keep driving til dawn.
> > Andrew.

> YESSSSS!!!!! I'm tired too to read comments like "my computer achieves
> better frame-rate than your's!!"

First person Ive heard that makes sense, other than those who offer
tips, help, etc. Honest, straight foreward and right on target. Ever
think of being a game software review writer? is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.