on a serious level and here's what the book said- mind you, this is para-
1) Concerning setups for qualifying- Downforce is primary importance.
Gearing is the next concern, and he points out that the typical F1
car NEVER uses 1st gear for anything other than starting out from
a stop.
2) Concerning post-qualifying setups- The downforce on the back wing should
be reduced, since the straights (less DF needed) are where you do the
passing. Almost no passing occurs in turns, with obvious exceptions.
3) Brake balance- The front tyres should LOCK FIRST for the setup. This
is probably known by everybody, but since World Circuit has no way of
showing this (or making front/rear lockup sounds), why have it in
the first place?
Now one from me- concerning rain setups....
A previous post suggested that the brake balance be set forward for rain.
I question this (I haven't tried it out, so I'm skating on thin ice) but
since the tyres adhere MUCH worse, setting up so the fronts lock even
sooner would be nothing short of disaster- hydroplaning anyone?
It would make sense if the balance should be neutral.
Any F1 crew chiefs care to comment??
Prost's book on rain lines- the wise choice is to stay off the driven line
since that has the highest tendency to slide (fresh ***, etc). The wise
choice is off to the side of the line. This allows the best coverage into the
Any comments??