I rest my case.. <G>
I have lost count of the times i have tried to get the truth about
latency issues across in this news group, in relation to N3 or GPL, but
still there is always some bozo that reckons we can't run N3 or GPL
on-line with ping times over 100ms, or that analogue modems shouldn't
be used for on-line racing etc etc..
GPL is more tolerant of higher latency figures than N3, where pings of
up to nearly 600ms can be perfect in F1 with the right conditions, but
N3 seems to start playing up once the clients pings approach 400ms..
I have found in N3 that latency figures up to 380ms have provided me
with totally warp free, solid racing in N3, and that's on a anologue
modem, capped at 26,400 baud, from Australia to the USA....
Hell, i have even hosted warp free races on my analogue modem from
Australia, with clients based in America...
The truth is out there, if we but open our eyes. !!!
> I'm beginning to realize that lost packets are more important to
> a warp free race than a low ping. Like Ian, I've been in races with
> fairly
> high ping (200-300) but little or no lost packets and the others cars
> steady as a rock. On the other hand I've been in races where my ping
> was low, but lost packets were sporadically jumping up to 10 or 20 at
> a time and each time the lost packets spiked, the other cars
> I have to believe that the same inconsistancies in packet loss occur
> GPL Multiplayer also, but it's effect seems to be less severe, so
> Papy will be able to optimize the prediction code a little more to
> out the warps when lost packets occur in N3.
> Later,
> Joe
> Bluesdude on N3 Multiplayer
> > I don't see what the big deal is about having a ping less than 100,
I had
> an
> > online race a few days ago where the host was in Australia, I was
in UK
> and
> > two others joined from USA.
> > There was no warping and the connections were perfectly stable with
> > around 500 ms !!!
> > --
> > Ian Parker
> > UKGPL League
> > http://members.xoom.com/ukgpl/index.html
> > http://www.ukgpl.com
> > --
> > > I finally found a under 100 ping server to run Talledega on. It
was the
> > > most incredible racing I have ever had.
> > ><snipped>
> > > I can't wait to get my dsl line on monday so I can do some more
> 100
> > > ping racing.
> > > I LOVE IT.
> > > Mike