Keith, what you are seeing may be 'normal', depending on just how
much jitter is going on in the GPL cal screen. Mine looks a
little jittery here too.
For the moment, ignore this and jump into the car. While sitting
in the pits move the steering wheel slowly back and forth
throughout it's range. If the on-screen steering wheel moves
smoothly without any jumps or jerks, then I'd say what you are
seeing in the cal screen is a non-problem. A wandering car on
the track can be related to setup (or in my case, a lack of
practice ;-)
If the on-screen wheel is jumpy, then try cleaning the pots in
the wheel. Given that it's smooth in Win98 cal routine I don't
think this will help, but it probably can't hurt.
Final option if all else fails is to perhaps try a different
soundcard or add a dedicated gameport card (if your soundcard
will permit this).
Rgds 'n Good Luck,
Mark R.
On Mon, 07 Dec 1998 11:00:39 -0500, Keith
>I have a problem with my T2 wheel and pedals in GPL. During calibration,
>the little triangles that move with the wheel/pedals are jittery, moving
>left and right in a random pattern. The movement is more than just one
>increment, it is several. In a race, the steering wanders so I don't
>think it is only a problem during calibration. Tried both input modes in
>GPL, generic and directinput modes, and they have same problem. The
>system is a Celeron 300a clocked at 450MHz on BH6 with 64M PC100 RAM,
>game port is on the Vortex A3D PCI sound card.
>Odd thing is, there is no problem calibrating the wheel/pedals in the
>Windows 98 Control Panel Game Controller - absolutely rock solid with no
>jitter at all with either the standard gameport interface or the Vortex
>gameport interface. Anyone else come acrosss this, and were you able to
>resolve it?