GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)


GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by doktor » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Just put it up..

Four (that's right .. four) Grand Prix Legends boxes.. go see 'em and vote..

More pics tomorrow..

For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
date updates, poll-of-the week, pictures, and more!


GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by doktor » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Replying to my own post!

Poll update.. (after 9 hours / 78 votes)..

- the original cover has a COMMANDING lead.. 67 %
- the 2nd one (red car on box) is dead in the water - 2%
- .. and it's neck and neck between the two "newest" potential covers at 15%
and 14% for the 3rd and 4th covers respectively..

Maybe someone should tell Sierra ! I am 95.67% sure that the leading cover
will NOT be used..
Anyone know where I can contact their marketing / development team? .. maybe
it's not too late :o))

For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
date updates, poll-of-the week, pictures, and more!

>Just put it up..
>Four (that's right .. four) Grand Prix Legends boxes.. go see 'em and


GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by KPineb » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

What's up, dok?

I wouldn't bother sending the poll results to Sierra.  The lead time on
four-color printing and production of cartons is probably weeks longer than the
lead time on the CD-ROMs.  I expect the art was printed a while ago.  If it
wasn't, it will be holding up the sim itself, so don't go confusing Sierra and
slowing down the process, please!  I'm just going to throw the box away anyhow.

Man, I can't wait.  The steering wheel in my Lotus isn't the only thing wooden
around here!



Wolfgang Prei

GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by Wolfgang Prei » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Replying to my own post!

>Poll update.. (after 9 hours / 78 votes)..

>- the original cover has a COMMANDING lead.. 67 %
>- the 2nd one (red car on box) is dead in the water - 2%
>- .. and it's neck and neck between the two "newest" potential covers at 15%
>and 14% for the 3rd and 4th covers respectively..

>Maybe someone should tell Sierra ! I am 95.67% sure that the leading cover
>will NOT be used..
>Anyone know where I can contact their marketing / development team? .. maybe
>it's not too late :o))

I, too, like the old cover with the original emblem best, but that
might be because I have grown used to it. The "gold on green"
aesthetics seem to be mandatory on all GPL sites. I would guess that
#3 (same picture as the old one, but new typeface and coloring) will
make it, though. Actually, it looks more "authentic" for the time
period in question.

Wolfgang Preiss   \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.


GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by doktor » Sat, 12 Sep 1998 04:00:00

True... (about the box probably being printed up already)..
I'd like to find out what Sierra's plans actually ARE.. but I'll guess we'll
have to wait a few more weeks..

I have a sneaking suspicion that the box will be different in different
#1 was American, but is VERY old.. # 2 is American and replaced it...
# 3 is from a German source, whilst #4 is from Britain..

#2 has the "From the makers of Nascar 2!" on the box.. and I have a
(horrible) suspicion that this is the one they are going to use in N.
America. Someone please tell me it isn't so..
- Box # 2 only has TWO PERCENT of votes (still!).. o.k.. whoever it was..
Own up to it!!..come on!!
- # 1 is still WAY ahead
- # 3 is pulling slightly ahead of #4 after being neck-and-neck all

For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
date updates, poll-of-the week, pictures, and more!

Bruce Kennewel

GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by Bruce Kennewel » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

you mean that I *REALLY* should have bought "Mario Andrettis Racing",
Johnny Herberts Racing", "Nigel Mansells Racing" and "Bill Clintons


> (to put someones name to me
> means that its a dam good product IMO).

The GP Legends Historic Motor Racing Club  is located at:-
Matt Wilso

GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by Matt Wilso » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

WHO CARES what the box looks like!!

I just want the CD inside!

Matt Wilson

Stuart Becktel

GPL BOX art - Which one do you prefer?? (4 to choose from)

by Stuart Becktel » Sun, 13 Sep 1998 04:00:00

The box that they will use has to say Sierra Sports on it, so probably the
second one will be the box that Sierra uses.
Stuart Becktell

>True... (about the box probably being printed up already)..
>I'd like to find out what Sierra's plans actually ARE.. but I'll guess
>have to wait a few more weeks..

>I have a sneaking suspicion that the box will be different in different
>#1 was American, but is VERY old.. # 2 is American and replaced it...
># 3 is from a German source, whilst #4 is from Britain..

>#2 has the "From the makers of Nascar 2!" on the box.. and I have a
>(horrible) suspicion that this is the one they are going to use in N.
>America. Someone please tell me it isn't so..
>- Box # 2 only has TWO PERCENT of votes (still!).. o.k.. whoever it was..
>Own up to it!!..come on!!
>- # 1 is still WAY ahead
>- # 3 is pulling slightly ahead of #4 after being neck-and-neck all

>For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
>date updates, poll-of-the week, pictures, and more!

>>What's up, dok?

>>I wouldn't bother sending the poll results to Sierra.  The lead time on
>>four-color printing and production of cartons is probably weeks longer
>>lead time on the CD-ROMs.  I expect the art was printed a while ago.  If
>>wasn't, it will be holding up the sim itself, so don't go confusing Sierra
>>slowing down the process, please!  I'm just going to throw the box away

>>Man, I can't wait.  The steering wheel in my Lotus isn't the only thing
>>around here!


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