>Replying to my own post!
>Poll update.. (after 9 hours / 78 votes)..
>- the original cover has a COMMANDING lead.. 67 %
>- the 2nd one (red car on box) is dead in the water - 2%
>- .. and it's neck and neck between the two "newest" potential covers at 15%
>and 14% for the 3rd and 4th covers respectively..
>Maybe someone should tell Sierra ! I am 95.67% sure that the leading cover
>will NOT be used..
>Anyone know where I can contact their marketing / development team? .. maybe
>it's not too late :o))
I, too, like the old cover with the original emblem best, but that
might be because I have grown used to it. The "gold on green"
aesthetics seem to be mandatory on all GPL sites. I would guess that
#3 (same picture as the old one, but new typeface and coloring) will
make it, though. Actually, it looks more "authentic" for the time
period in question.
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.