> >> I got a tiny bonsai tree in the supermarket today. So when I got home I
> >> searched the newsgroups for bonsai groups - found 2 - they are just as
> >weird
> >> and freaky as us - they just have a different *** :-)
> I think this is true of any newsgroup. I read this group, the flight
> sim group and groups dedicated to off road trucks and dirt bikes.
> All of them have the same kind of freaky people who love their hobby
> single-mindedly.
> I must be 5 times as weird, because I'm fanatical about a whole bunch
> of hobbies!
> Tim
But the really interesting thing (for me at least; I am easily pleased) is
that you keep bumping into the same people in different newsgroups. Birds
of a feather, I guess, but I see some regulars from here in a newsgroup for
notebook PCs, and then there is crossover from that newsgroup to the
alt.porsche group... it's that whole "six degrees of separation" thing